
What is E-mail-Marketing?

E-Mail-Marketing is one of the cheapest and therefore most popular marketing tools with a large and focused range. The fact that over 90% of consumers have an e-mail address makes it a very interesting option. Targeted e-mailing can be easily and effectively set up and can target a large number of relevant visitors to your website. In addition, email marketing is very easy to measure, so you can easily optimize your campaigns. Also, e-mail is ideal for A / B testing. By using different texts and content and experimenting with different times and days, you can determine the optimal email marketing strategy for your business.

What Low cost – High yield

Email marketing involves low costs and can benefit your business a lot. For example, research shows that for every euro invested in e-mail marketing you get an average of 40€ in return. The target group of your email marketing generally converts well. Additionally, through the use of marketing automation, you will ensure that your potential customers are reached at the right time.