e-Reputation and Influence Marketing

Reading time: 3 minutes

Consumer behavior

Any consumer who wants to buy a service or product goes through several steps that we all know: The buying decision process. These steps are:

  • Awareness stage: awareness of the need or problems
  • Evaluation stage: research for information or solutions
  • Purchase stage : compare the solutions and choose the product or service provider.


As a company, it is important to be present at the purchasing process to ensure that the final choice will be on your side. To achieve this, it is necessary to study the behavior of your potential customers. Consumers are looking for a lot of information to be reassured in their choice. They have less and less confidence in advertisements (banners, e-mailing, TV…) and prefer to receive advices from people who have already used the service or product, such as their family and friends, reviews and comments on internet, social media, influencers or on blogs.

The word-of-mouth influences a lot of consumers! The opinion of the close relations is very important for them as they have confidence in these people. They seek their advice and opinions and follow their recommendations.


As a digital marketing agency, we have focused on the importance of the e-reputation for your company and how to manage it. The e-reputation is extremely important for your company, as 80% of Internet users get informed online before making a purchase.

Reviews and comments

Consumers do not hesitate to post their opinions on internet and explain their customer experience, whether it is positive or negative. Their motivation is to share their satisfaction or dissatisfaction in order to advise future consumers who wish to buy the same service or product as they do. These reviews are very important for the reputation of a company, because during the research of information, 70% of the Internet users take these reviews into account, they trust the authenticity of these comments. Customers thus become real media!

avis / reviews

Remember that it is also important to have negative reviews. This may sound strange, but be aware that consumers will have more nichenfidence if they can find different opinions. To have only positive reviews is perceived as ” trickery ” by the company.

Tip: Answer customers’ comments and reviews. Reply to negative customer reviews, find a solution to their problems and respond with real facts, these reviews will lose their significance. Also thank positive reviews, they will appreciate your attention!


Who are the influencers? An influencer is a person who, through his or her media exposure, can influence consumer behavior in a specific niche. The companies very quickly saw an affordable way to reach their target audience in large numbers and therefore began to offer them partnerships. The influencers share information for improved consumption, promotional codes, information on new products/brands or restaurants and hotel addresses. By sharing the information with their community, influencers advise and recommend companies and share promotion opportunities to their community. The deal is a win-win situation for everyone: the brand gains notoriety, the influencer is paid and the consumers benefit from the promotions.

But not all consumers see influencer marketing from the same point of view. The fact that influencers are paid to give their (positive) views on a product, makes the recommendation lose its authenticity and considers this marketing as manipulation and lies. To remedy this problem and be transparent to consumers, influencers are now required to indicate on social media when their content is sponsored.

Tip: To make your influence marketing strategy work, you need to be honest with your consumers and find relevant partnerships. Look for influencers who might be interested in your brand.

You understand that…

To comfort your potential customers in their choice, keep an eye open on the reviews of your company and set up relevant partnerships with influencers. Are you interested in more advice? Contact us! We will be happy to help you to implement a digital strategy for your company.
